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HomeHead Tennis RacketsHead SpeedHead Speed Review 2024 – Statistics of the Pro and MP

Head Speed Review 2024 – Statistics of the Pro and MP

Introduction and Overview

Hello fellow tennis enthusiasts! As a long-time competitive player and former coach, my journey in the tennis world has always been accompanied by the search for the perfect racket. Today, let’s dive into an extensive review of the Head Speed Pro and MP, two rackets that have garnered attention and intrigue from players worldwide. Please note, that we tested the 2023 Head Speed Special Edition, inspired by the vibes of the US Open Night Session. Drawing on my personal playtest data obtained using Swingvision, this review will shed light on the performance, pros, and cons of each model.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction and Overview
  2. In-depth Review of Head Speed MP
  3. In-depth Review of Head Speed Pro
  4. Comparative Analysis and Conclusion

Quick Summary

  • Head Speed MP: Best for players seeking consistency in cross-court shots, with a robust performance in both forehand and backhand.
  • Head Speed Pro: Ideal for advanced players desiring to unleash aggressive longline shots on both sides consistently.
  • Both rackets provide a consistent feel on the backhand side, albeit with a slightly low initial launch angle.

head speed mp 2024 review

In-depth Stats from Playtest

Given the extensive testing performed on clay courts, one prominent observation was the lower launch angle in the initial stages, especially with the Head Speed Pro. It required some adaptation, especially when focusing on a game filled with topspin-loaded shots.

Performance Metrics:

Metrics Speed MP Speed Pro
Cross-Court Forehand in 89% 79%
Down-The-Line-Forehand In 71% 85%
Total Forehand In 80% 82%
Cross-Court Backhand in 81% 72%
Down-The-Line-Backhand In 77% 90%
Total Backhand In 79% 81%
Avg Shot Speed kmh 85 85

head speed pro 2024 review

From this comprehensive data, the Head Speed MP clearly excels in cross-court forehands and backhands, making it a reliable choice for players who frequent these shots. This preference for cross-court rallies aligns seamlessly with its overall design and technology (Head Speed Specs).

On the other hand, the Head Speed Pro emerges as a favorite for down-the-line shots, especially backhands, perfect for those with a more aggressive approach to the game. The adaptation to the launch angle is a small trade-off for the precision and power it delivers (Is Head Speed Arm Friendly?).

What string tension should I use for head speed pro

Personal Observations:

My experience with these rackets also reflected these statistics. The MP stood out in cross-court exchanges, providing consistent and reliable performance. The Pro, with its aggressive design and specs, enabled powerful and precise down-the-line shots, living up to its name as a ‘Pro’ choice.

As we move further into this review, keep in mind these real-world playtest observations, ensuring your choice aligns with your playing style and court preferences. Stay tuned for a more granular review of each model in the sections to follow!

In-depth Review of Head Speed MP and Head Speed Pro

In-depth Review of Head Speed MP

The Head Speed MP is a marvel of engineering and design that caters primarily to players who prioritize consistency, especially in cross-court shots. The racquet guarantees stability and control, ensuring each shot is delivered with precision.

Is head speed pro arm friendly


Specs Head Speed MP
Head Size 100 in / 645.16 cm
Length 27in / 68.58cm
Rec. String Tension 22-26 kg / 48-57 lbs
Head CPI 500
Unstrung Weight 300 g / 10.6 oz
Strung Weight 315g / 11.1oz
Balance 13in / 33.02cm / 4 pts HL
Swingweight 323
Stiffness 62
Beam Width 23mm / 23mm / 23mm
String Pattern 16 Mains / 19 Crosses

With an average shot speed of 85 km/h, the Head Speed MP performs exceptionally in maintaining shot depth, with 80% of shots landing beyond the service box. This trait further enhances its suitability for players seeking consistent and deep cross-court shots.

User Experience:

Beyond the numbers, my time on the court with the MP was marked by its lightweight feel and its capacity to generate adequate power without compromising on control, particularly on the backhand side (Head Speed Weight).

In-depth Review of Head Speed Pro

The Head Speed Pro is tailored for those who command the court with aggressive longline shots, making it an excellent ally for advanced players.


Specs Head Speed Pro
Head Size 100 in / 645.16 cm
Length 27in / 68.58cm
Rec. String Tension 22-26 kg / 48-57 lbs
Head CPI 300
Unstrung Weight 310 g / 10.9 oz
Strung Weight 326g / 11.5oz
Balance 12.79in / 32.49cm / 6 pts HL
Swingweight 326
Stiffness 62
Beam Width 23mm / 23mm / 23mm
String Pattern 18 Mains / 20 Crosses

The Pro, with its balanced specs, excels in delivering power and precision for down-the-line shots, highlighting its effectiveness for experienced players adept in aggressive playstyles.

head speed mp review

User Experience:

My on-court experience with the Pro highlighted its potent delivery of aggressive shots, especially down-the-line forehands and backhands, affirming its position as a racquet for the pros (Head Speed Auxetic Technology).

Comparing the Head Speed MP and Pro

The battle between the Head Speed MP and Head Speed Pro is a tale of precision against power, consistency versus aggression. Below, we delve deeper into their comparative analysis based on personal playtest data obtained with Swingvision.

Comparative Analysis:

Performance Metrics:

Metrics Speed MP Speed Pro
Cross-Court Forehand In 89% 79%
Down-The-Line-Forehand In 71% 85%
Total Forehand In 80% 82%
Cross-Court Backhand in 81% 72%
Down-The-Line-Backhand In 77% 90%
Total Backhand In 79% 81%
Avg Shot Speed (km/h) 85 85
Avg Shot Speed (mph) 53 53
Shots Beyond Service Box 80% 66%

Forehands & Backhands:

  • Speed MP excels in cross-court shots on both forehand (89%) and backhand (81%), a perfect companion for consistent cross-court rallies (Head Speed vs. Babolat Pure Aero).
  • Speed Pro, with a dominating 90% down-the-line backhand and 85% forehand in, stands as the ally for aggressive longline shots.

head speed pro review

Player Type Recommendations:

  • Speed MP is the choice for players who value consistency in cross-court rallies, seeking stability and control over sheer power.
  • Speed Pro, on the other hand, is crafted for advanced players capable of consistently executing aggressive longline shots.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, the choice between the Head Speed MP and Head Speed Pro depends largely on the player’s style and skill level. The MP shines for players prioritizing consistency, especially in their cross-court shots. It proves itself as a reliable companion for delivering controlled and precise shots.

The Head Speed Pro, with its higher down-the-line accuracy and a slight edge in weight for added power, appeals more to advanced players, ready to unleash aggressive shots and make a statement on the court.

Both rackets provide a consistent feel on the backhand side, although the initial low launch angle requires some adaptation, especially on clay courts (Best Strings for Head Speed).

Note: Always consider personal comfort and playing style before making a final decision. Happy playing!

Hey there, I'm Stefan, a tennis junkie who's been smacking balls since the age of 6. As a self-proclaimed Roger Federer superfan, I strive to emulate his grace on the court (even if it's a distant dream). When the weather is warm, you'll find me basking in the sun, reveling in singles matches, and unleashing my signature forehand while trying to tame my mischievous serve. Let's play!

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